Writer’s note: Meet Janice

I first met Janice at our Local Sustainable Fashion Edit shoot, but soon realised we’ve probably crossed paths before since we were course mates in university… Although that *kind of* also made me question the status quo of my life. At 25, Janice is the founder, brainchild and one-woman show behind Mind The Label — which just launched this year, but is already chasing big impact. Mind The Label is uncompromisingly conscious with Janice’s commitment to being 100% plant-based and 100% transparent. Captivating styles are key: the label’s blithe, Californian-living inspired pieces endeavour to grab your attention first.

Janice speaks about her sustainability mission with sparkling energy — and there are few things as fascinating as hearing someone speak at length about what ignites them. So following our Local Sustainable Fashion Edit run, we invite Janice to delve deeper into the price tag of sustainability and how she’s wearing more conscious in 4 simple ways that cost nothing

– Melisa

Sustainable Edit 30

Is Sustainable Always Expensive? Think Again.

“Sustainable stuff? So expensive.” 

“That’s for rich people.” 

“I can’t afford it.” 

These are some all too familiar objections to sustainability I’ve heard while chatting with both friends and strangers. But I think that sustainable fashion is far less expensive (on multiple fronts) than unsustainable fashion practices really are. Although, don’t take my word for it. Let me show you HOW. Here are four easy ways I practice sustainable fashion, for free. Yes, you heard that right.

1. Care For What You Already Own.

Extend the lifespan of your clothes by buying well made clothing that will last and learn to care for them. In fact, a simple mending and sewing can go a really long way in saving you that extra $30 -$80 dollars from buying a new dress.

2. Remember The #30Wears Rule. 

Livia Firth, founder of EcoAge, started the #30Wears movement to help us realise the importance of buying something only when we really need it. Not just because it’s going for 30% off. So always ask yourself: “Will I wear this piece 30 times?” If the answer is no, then it’s a good time to think twice.

Psst: You can also take the #30wearschallenge to help reduce pollution from the fashion industry!

Pictured: Mind The Label’s LOLA Duo Top & Flare Pants in soon-to-be-launched new hues.

 3. Never Ever Bin It.

Always repair before you replace. That said, if you really don’t wear something anymore (perhaps because the fit/style just doesn’t do it for you any longer) then give it a second lease of life in someone else’s wardrobe. Alternatively, if the clothing is too old to be worn, try to recycle or up-cycle it. Clothing that ends up in the bin is often incinerated, or sent to landfills which are already full of more rubbish than we can handle. So binning? Avoid, avoid, avoid!

4. Use Your Voice, Ask Brands Questions.

Knowledge is power. If you are making a consumer purchase decision about clothing, go the extra mile and email or DM brands for the story and process behind your clothes. Ask the important questions like, who made them? What are the materials? What is the impact on the environment? I can promise you that sustainable, ethical and transparent brands who have nothing to hide will be more than happy to share this with you. Besides, a DM only takes two minutes!

Why Mind The Label? 

Pictured: Janice in Mind The Label’s NOUVELLE Creme Nude Backless Top & Shorts, ISLA Wine Red Backless Dress

Many people find it difficult to start a conversation about the things that matter — whether it’s about sustainability, size diversity, or ethnic inclusivity. At Mind The Label, I want the brand to be a conversation starter where a friend can ask you: “Hey that’s a cute dress, where’s it from?” And that will spark bigger conversations about the things that truly matter. 

So when you support labels like us, it’s not just about sustainable clothing but also about standing with us and supporting our values, as well as everything we stand for.

Lots Of Love,
Janice (@MindTheLabel)

Keep up to date with Mind The Label on their Instagram and shop the collection on MindTheLabel.com! And if you haven’t already, read more about the local fashion labels making a sustainable impact and their founders over at our Local Sustainable Fashion Edit.


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